Road and Slab Cutting
Any surface that is relatively flat, such as roadways, bridges and suspended slabs can be cut quickly and efficiently to depths of up 30" with the use of self propelled walk behind slab saws (gas or electric). CHESCO’s large fleet of saws can ensure that the right tool for the job is used to produce a quick and cost effective solution to your cutting needs. Whether it be indoors or outdoors, CHESCO Coring & Cutting will create a minimal disruption to other trades on the job site.
Sawing and Sealing
The cutting of expansion joints on concrete surfaces or asphalt overlays is done to accommodate expansion and contraction and can be cut wet or dry depending on the circumstances. Joints can be sealed with preformed neoprene compression seals, poly urethane silicones or hot poured asphaltic joint seal. All of our joint sealing products are approved by major authorities for movements in concrete pavements, airfield aprons, runways, overlaid roads and parking lots.
Green Saw Cutting
Green saw cutting is a term used for saw cutting control joints in newly paved concrete roads, aprons, runways or floors, to induce a crack to the pavement in a controlled fashion. Saw cuts are typically 1/8" wide and normally the depth is one-third the thickness of the concrete that is being cut.
Crack Sealing
Crack sealing in asphalt and concrete surfaces are typically treated by removing the old material, by either blowing the joints clean, sawing or routing, or sand blasting and sealing with specified material by either the state or local agency. This process is normally done prior to a new overlay, or as a treatment of existing concrete or asphalt surfaces to prolong life and prevent total breakdown of the road or parking lot.
© 2009 CHESCO Coring & Cutting Inc.