Residential Services

CHESCO Coring & Cutting offers a wide range of services to the private sectors including home owners, residential plumbers, electricians or HVAC contractors. These services are normally performed using electric or hydraulic powered machines, depending on the conditions.

Diamond Coring

Core drilling for the home owner includes exterior basement walls for dryer outlets, plumbing outlets, or electrical services.

Wall Cutting Egresses

This service can be done quickly with zero dust or vibration and with little or no inconvenience to the home owner. Doorway and window egresses can be cut in a matter of hours, and the new doors or windows can be installed by your contractor on the same day with no concerns about security.

Electric Saw Cutting

Saw cutting in basements of residential houses or apartments is often for new plumbing services or sump pump openings in floors. The concrete is typically sawn into manageable pieces and removed from the basement quickly and efficiently with zero dust or vibration to surrounding floor.

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