CHESCO Coring & Cutting has provided quality concrete cutting and drilling services for nearly 20 years. We can reassure any contractor, be they large or small, that you will receive the same expertise on any project. We offer an effective solution to any project and ensure that it is carried out in a safe manner. By choosing CHESCO Coring & Cutting, your company will know that your project will be handled professionally and be completed in a quick and cost effective manner.

Industries Served

CHESCO Coring & Cutting is a privately owned, professional contractor with experience in the following fields of industry:


Safety & Training

CHESCO Coring & Cutting maintains a safe and healthy work environment for all of its employees, with the implementation of a complete health and safety program. Our program includes an extensive background check, including drug and fit testing, in which all employees are checked prior to employment and are randomly tested on an annual basis.

CHESCO’s company policy is to provide the best possible service to all of our clients, in a safe and courteous manner. We take all possible precautions to prevent damage to property and the least amount of disruption on the job site. All of our operators are trained in the most modem techniques and receive training on an annual basis.

© 2009 CHESCO Coring & Cutting Inc.